Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bethel Daniel Fast Day 13: Financial Stewardship

As I was driving in today for morning prayer at God's Bethel, I was drawn to a news report that spoke about the financial change individuals are making in their lives as a result of the recession. The report mentioned that people were spending less. The report also mentioned how people were now convincing themselves of the worth of something before they spend the money on it. For example, do many of us actually need another pair of shoes or a new article of clothing, etc.?

However, spending less doesn't necessary equate to saving. People are still so far into debt that some people don't have it to spend even if they wanted to splurge. Financial Stewardship (our emphasis for today) begins with a desire and a commitment to get out of debt, manage our resources and save.

For many years, I had no idea how to save my money. I lived in the bondage of debt. Yet, through God's grace, I was taught how to save and live within my means. Bethel, individually and collectively, must do the same so that we may continue to be a blessing to others. It is my prayer that next month, Bethel will re-visit a financial empowerment series to assist any person trying to manage themselves better. Matthew 25: 14 - 19 reminds us to manage well what God has given to each of us. Let us continue this journey together...

On another note... please let us all be in prayer for our sisters and brothers who have been affected in any way due to the earthquake that hit Haiti, yesterday.

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