Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bethel Daniel Fast Day 21: A New Beginning

I have never in my life prayed and fasted with a community as I have over these past 21 days. I am almost at a loss for words.

It is amazing when God confirms the spiritual inspiration that was given to you. I wasn't sure how God was going to bless when this idea came before the Bethel family. I just knew that God was going to bless. The songwriter declares:

How great is our God?
Name above all names.
Worthy of all praise
My heart will sing...
How great our God?

Our God is great. Did you see the miracles emerge clearly during this fast? Each of us took part in something that was pleasing to God. This is just the beginning of what God has planned for God's Bethel. When the clock strikes midnight and God allows us to see a new day. Remember this day. Tomorrow, as you get ready to partake of something you have not had since "last year", remember what the significant time you spent with God. Maybe you don't need as much of all those things we used to eat, but maybe the words of Christ should ring true in our ears: "Man (or woman) does not live by bread alone, but upon every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.".

How great is our God? Let's not completely pile our plates with our old selves, but aspire to walk in the new with a better relationship with God, with more of the Holy Spirit, better diets, stronger faith and spiritual resolve. How great is our God? I feel, trust and know that a mighty move of the Spirit is coming... Name above all names. God has more blessings for us. Praise God for new ministries, deliverance, healing, financial relief, divine promise, and the release of spiritual gifts. Worthy of all praise. Continue to praise more, pray more, trust more, read more. I did all of these things during the fast. I can't even help myself anymore. It in my soul. In my mind. My heart. Thank God for the heart! My heart will sing how great is OUR GOD!

Hallelujhah! Only God be Glorified!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Bethel Daniel Fast Day 20: Patience = Power

Our God is amazingly awesome.

I have no idea why He blesses us in this way.

Today was the third and final (?) day of Wednesday morning prayer at God's Bethel. As you know, during the Daniel fast, we opened the doors of the church each Wednesday morning for at 7:30 for individual and collective prayer. Each week, God has touched, blessed and moved in our midst.

Throughout this season of fasting, I have spoken and written on several occassions about the importance of sacrifice. Fasting is an intentional deliberate sacrifice. It raises our faith, deepens our commitment level in God, confirms our patience and empowers our journey. There are too many twists and turns in life to try to navigate without God's guidance. Consequently, we must deny ourselves and walk more closely with God. We have witnessed a unique prescence of God in our midst and the journey still isn't complete.

James 1: 2 -3, "My brothers and sisters, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience." I have discovered on this journey that my patience in God also produces power to overcome the temptations of this world. My patience in God speaks to the joy that comes from God. My patience in God equals power to overcome doubt in others and in myself. Consider how deeply you have been blessed. That alone is enough wait patiently on our God. I end this writing as I began...

Our God is amazingly awesome.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bethel Daniel Fast Day 19: Renewing Closeness

This morning, I met with some of the memebers of the Boonton Ecumenical Clergy Council for morning conversation. During our time together, the question was raised surrounding maintaining our closeness with God. Someone wanted to know how we carve out the space to spoend time with God.

This spiritual conversation reminded me about our fast. Sometimes in our lives, we have to renew our closeness with God before God compels us to renew it. We all don't spend as much time as we want, should or desire with God. Some of us have no desire to spend time with God and will resent us for doing so.

Just like in a marriage or a committed relationship, we must do things to keep the relationship fresh and compelling. If you always pray in the morning, perhaps for a couple of days you should pray in the evening. Anything to keep things fresh with God is acceptable. Try gospel music, going for a walk or just sitting in silence listening to the sounds of creation. We tend to take so much regarding our Creator for granted, so much concerning our Savior for granted. The relationship between us and the Father is critically important. Shouldn't we recall on a daily basis, the words of John 1, "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God." Eah day, let's continue to strive to renew on closeness with God. "Only God be Glorified"

Monday, January 18, 2010

Bethel Daniel Fast Day 18: Reflections

Yesterday gave me a great deal to rlect upon as it relates to our church-wide fast. Although, I had a plan yesterday for our first bible study of the year, the Lord decided to take us in a completely different direction. We spent this first moment united Christian conversation in 20101 talking about the fast.

It was exhilarating for me to hear so many people giving their thoughts about the fast. Persons talked about the blessings and the challenges. No one talked about any regrets. People talked about how their lifestyles have changed-- more prayer, more meditation, new experiences, temptations resisted, testimonies given. One person shared how she has developed a new perspective on Daniel during the fast. She has taken the initiative in her own bible study to read Daniel for herself. This Daniel fast has been and continues to be absolutely amazing because of the revelation, vision, direction and insight that God has given to this church collectively and individually.

I am reminded of Acts 17: 27, that "(we) should seek the Lord, in the hope that (we) might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us." I praise God that we are seeking Him together and discovering in this process that he is not far from each one of us. Only God be Glorified!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Bethel Daniel Fast Day 17: Hope out of Hopelessness

I am still amazed as I read the reports and see the images from Haiti, how far reaching the devestation is for the major catastrophe. Even as I was meditatiing on the messgae for this morning, I understand (in a small but significant way) how far reaching this event is to many families.

I recall the initial em0tions when the news first cma eout about the earthquake. The death, the fear, the loss, the hurt and the pain were all evident. These things will still be there in the days ahead. Yet in the days following the earthquake and in the days yet to come we will also begin to hear stories of God's grace. We will hear how people have survived. We will how familes are re-united. We will hear how people prayed and God spared their lives.

Sometimes it is difficult to understand and I do not presume to know the answer to the obvious question: why did this happen? But I do know that life is filles with highs and lows, celebration and dissapointment. I do know that our faith will be challenged and that God will reward, validate and strengthen our faith because we remain commitee to Him. David says in 1 Chronicles 29:13, "Now therefore, our God, we give you thanks and praise your glorious name." this was after David lived through all of the challenges of his life, the threats on his life, the anguish and the honor. He still relaized that having hope in God was better than hopelessness. I choose Christ in all things, because from my perspective there will never be a better option. Only God be Glorified!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Bethel Daniel Fast Day 16: Wouldn't vs. Couldn't

Yesterday for the first serious time during this fast, I thought about my old diet instead of the fast. Myra and i run a catering business and yesterday and today we have significant catering opportunities. It was amazing to me to be around all of this good food that was being prepared and served, yet realizing that we weren't going to eat any of it.

I am not sure you understand: Baked chicken, seasoned Talapia, Stringbeans cooked with smoked turkey, baked Ziti, peas and rice, fried chicken... this is just the part of the menu that I remember as I write today's blog. People offered to make us a plate and we chose not to partake. We didn't even want the stringbeans becasue it was cooked with smoked turkey. I am reminded that so much of our faith is choice. We could have eaten the food, but we wouldn't because of our commitment to God, to each other, to Bethel and to the Bethel family.

All we have to do is re-read the temptaions of Christ in Mathew 4 and Luke 4. It wasn't that Jesus couldn't show Satan that He was the all powerful Son of God. He chose that He wouldn't because of his commitment to God and to saving all of us from our sins. It is my desire every day to choose God. Only God be Glorified!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Bethel Daniel Fast Day 15: Commitment

I was in a conversation with my brother recently and we found ourselves speaking about marraige and commitment. I am not sure why we went down this road, but when siblings get together we sometimes talk about the things that "excite" us about marraige. So on this day, we bagan to have conversations about commitment..

As we spoke, my mind drifted back to the year before I got married, while Myra and I were still dating. I remember that before I proposed, I really prayed about God's blessings and I prayed about commitment. I spoke to God about giving us strength to be committed to Him and each other not just on the days when we felt great, but especially on the days ahead when we would be faced with challenges.

As we meditate today on "Spiritual and Increased Commitment", I want to praise God. As a church family we haev already gone through 14 days of this fast. As a church family, people have joined and started new ministries. As a church family, we are and continue to be blessed. Praying before the commitment energizes the commitment and I thank God for this revelation. 2 Timothy states, "The good things which was committed to you, keep by the Holy Spirit who dwells in us." Let us continue to renew our commitment to God and the Holy Spirit as we continue this journey. Only God be Glorified!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bethel Daniel Fast Day 14: Haiti

If you are like me, you have been following the recent news reports about the situation in Haiti. On Tuesday, an earthquake ranging 7.0 on the Richter Scale hit the small Caribbean Island approximately 600 miles from the U.S. southern shore. If you are like me, you followed the reports documenting the destruction that has taken place and the world still doesn't know the magnitude. I heard one person cry out in a news report, "The world is coming to an end."

Almost immediately following the tragedy, my mind and prayers went toward assisting our sisters and brothers on these nearby shores. I have initiated contact with our denominational leaders, as well as with Ecumenical leadership in Boonton so that God's Bethel may best participate and coordinate efforts of assistance.

There is no suprise to me that today's area of emphasis was to be Spiritual Discernment. It should be evident to all that if we know Christ, our responsibility to act is clear. At the very least we will be taking up a collective financial offering on Sunday. However, in a manner similiar to our actions with Hurricane Katrina, God's Bethel will seek to gather and send needed supplies to the region. I will be asking our missionaries to begin preparation of this effort and secure the necessary, reliable means to get our contribution to those with the greatest need. Matthew 22:39 speaks of loving our neighbor as ourselves. Love is best realized in times of challenge. Philippians 2:3 compels us to know that in humility we should consider others better than ourselves.

In Exodus 17: 11-13, the bible tells us how Aaron and Hur held up the arms of Moses because he was too weary to hold up his arms for himself. We are called at this time to be spiritually discerning and spiritually invested which will allow us to be spiritually engaged in the relief efforts for the devastation in Haiti. Haiti's arms are weary right now. God's Bethel will do it's part to assist with holding up those arms. More to come... Only God be glorified!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bethel Daniel Fast Day 13: Financial Stewardship

As I was driving in today for morning prayer at God's Bethel, I was drawn to a news report that spoke about the financial change individuals are making in their lives as a result of the recession. The report mentioned that people were spending less. The report also mentioned how people were now convincing themselves of the worth of something before they spend the money on it. For example, do many of us actually need another pair of shoes or a new article of clothing, etc.?

However, spending less doesn't necessary equate to saving. People are still so far into debt that some people don't have it to spend even if they wanted to splurge. Financial Stewardship (our emphasis for today) begins with a desire and a commitment to get out of debt, manage our resources and save.

For many years, I had no idea how to save my money. I lived in the bondage of debt. Yet, through God's grace, I was taught how to save and live within my means. Bethel, individually and collectively, must do the same so that we may continue to be a blessing to others. It is my prayer that next month, Bethel will re-visit a financial empowerment series to assist any person trying to manage themselves better. Matthew 25: 14 - 19 reminds us to manage well what God has given to each of us. Let us continue this journey together...

On another note... please let us all be in prayer for our sisters and brothers who have been affected in any way due to the earthquake that hit Haiti, yesterday.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bethel Daniel Fast Day 12: Feeling the Spirit

During this seasonal journey, I have found myself in wonderful conversations with members of the Bethel Family regarding the Daniel Fast. One conversation in particular seems to be particularly relevant today.

As I spoke with her, this one particular member commented that she was doing the fast, but she doesn't feel anything. I took the "feeling" that she was looking for was the "feeling of God". I inquired about what she doing. She was fasting, reading the word and praying. It seemed incomprehensible to me that a person could be doing all of these things and not feel the presence of God. Something didn't seem right so I began to probe.

Yes, she was fasting, reading and praying, but she wasn't spending time with God. She was reading God's word, but wasn't spending time with God's word. She was praying what I call the express lane prayer. In other words, seeking God requires more than going through the motions. We can all read God's word, a passage of scripture, but seeking God requires us to spend time with God's word. I invited this Bethel family member to begin journalling over the last days of the fast. Taking time to journal I believe would assist her (and all of us) to help us truly focus on God. Spiritual Enlightenment is the focus for this day. We won't be enlighten if we are rushing through the time we have set aside to seek God.

Matthew 7:7, "Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock, and it will be opened to you." Join with me in asking God to fill us with the Holy Spirit so we may receive spiritual enlightenment and deeper worship to God's glory. Let us continue to seek the Holy Spirit to empower our praise together. Let us walk together to the door of a more meaningful relationship with Christ. Who will knock first? You? Me? It doesn't matter, let's knock together...

"Only God be Glorified"

Monday, January 11, 2010

Bethel Day Fast Day 11: Greater Love

"And you shall love the Lord your God with all of heart, with all of your soul, with all of your mind and with all of your strength. This is the first and the great commandment. And second, like it, is this: you shal love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these." Mark 12: 30 - 31

As we move into this second Monday of our Daniel Fast, I thought it would be important to bring our focus back to the areas of emphasis for our fasting season. This can be found on our website under the guidleines for the Daniel Fast. The first area of emphasis was greater love for God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Bethel family and each other. It was also the prayer that there would be greater family prayer and togetherness.

We were blessed yesterday with a unique privelege to gather at the altar to specifically pray for those who are sick in our midst. Healing happened because we desired to seek the move of God's Spirit. You and I can't tell God that we love Him enough. if we do nothing else, perhaps we should express our love to God everyday through our words, actions and lifestyle. Have you told God that you loved Him today?

Have you told someone you loved them today through the action of extending and invitation to Christ, to worship, to fellowship? The sacrifices of love are rewarded by the expressions of love. Today, let's keep our focus on love as God moves in our midst lifting us to greater expressions of love. Tomorrow's focus, spiritual enlightenment- "Only God be Glorified"

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Bethel Daniel Fast Day 10: Staying Steadfast

Yesterday was a day filled with challenge from all sides. I wanted perfection in all of the things I had laid out for before me. After I was in the midst of some of those tasks, I realized that perhaps perfection wasn't going to be an option. The more I pressed my way, the more I realized that I no longer wanted elusive perfection, I just wanted the assignments completed.

Sometimes we approach things in life filled with anticipation and happiness and once things start to go wrong, our overall modd is affected. You leave your house in your car and 2o minutes later you have a flat tire. You plan all year to go to the amusement park on a particular day and it rains all day. Your task is ruined and you just want things to be over.

However, even though things may not go according to our plan, God's plan is still in control. When God is in control we must not lose heart for there surely is a blessing in store. Galatians 6:9, "And let us not grow weary in doing good for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." Stay focused on God. The blessing is about to come...

Bethel Daniel Fast Day 9: Purpose

Every now and then in our lives, we are faced with a moment that compels us to ponder the questions, "Why are we here? Why are we doing this? What should I be doing next? These are difficult questions particularly when they are rooted in uncertainty.

I never would have imagined 10 years ago that I would be married with a daughter, called to ministry, the pastor of a great congregation, and seeking God's face continually through fasting and prayer. I was so different back then, and as an ongoing work in progress, I know I will be different tomorrow because God's plan for my life is still unfolding. Just like God's plan for God's Bethel is still unfolding.

I am reminded of Psalm 138, vs. 8: "The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me (us); your love O Lord endures forever - do not abandon the work of your hands." I have come to realize daily, particularly during this Daniel fast, that God will fulfill his purpose in us as a church family collectively and individually. His enduring love will strengthen us. He has chosen not to abandon us. We must choose not to turn our back on HIm. Only God be glorified!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Bethel Daniel Fast Day 8: Unexpected Safety

I was driving to Bethel on Wednesday and for the first time in quite a while, I was just cruising. I wasn't speeding, setting any records or rushing for any reason. I was just in meditation with God, listening to gospel and making my way to the church.

There was an 18 wheeler to my left and for some reason it began to swerve into the left lane. I quickly hit my breaks. It was almost as if the driver had fallen asleep momentarily at the wheel of the truck. I remember thinking to myself how glad I was that I wasn't speeding, trying to pass on the right instead of the left. I thanked God for this unexpected safety. I also thanked God for alerting the truck driver as well so that there would not be an accident.

God provides unexpected safety each and every day. At times when we least expect it, there is protection from God. At times when we don't even realize we need it, God provides unexpected safety. The bible states in Hebrews 13:5, "He Himself has said that he will never leave you, nor forsake you." I praise God that on Wednesday (and on all days), God is paying closer attention to my situation than I ever could. And not only is God paying attention, he can inject unexpected safety exactly when I need it most. Only God be Glorified!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Bethel Daniel Fast Day 7: One Down

Have you considered that today marks the seventh day of the Bethel Daniel Fast? Some of us didn't know how we were going to make it through one day, but your commitment to God has already brought us through a week on this journey.

I already marvel at the glory of God and what God is doing in our midst. I am also reminded that if we spend our time trying to focus on too much, we miss the strength and the blessings that God has before us. We can spend so much time worried about the future that we overlook the move of the Holy Spirit in our lives today. This is the gift of the fasting season: a chance to intentionally focus on our relationship with God moment by moment.

Because of the fast we should be thinking about God in between meals. And each time we open a refrigerator or feel the twinge of the initial hunger sign, we must be compelled to think once again about the sacrifice we are making to God. Each time we are invited to share a meal with family and friends, we are compelled to think about whether we should remain committed to God or "bend the rules" just this once (or twice or three times). Who would know any way?

Although we are all tempted, we also must remain committed. We shouldn't focus on the temptations ahead in the journey, but we have to focus more on seeking God in the moment. Matthew 6: 33 - 34 states, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." Keep your focus on God... first.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bethel Daniel Fast: Day 6: Drawing Nearer

Some of you, if you read the worship folder from Sunday, know that there was morning prayer held at Bethel today. Morning prayer to start the day off with the Lord. This is the first time since I have been at Bethel that something like this took place. Morning prayer will take place the next two Wednesdays from 7:30am to 8:15am. This is a time of corporate prayer, individual prayer and meditation at the altar of Bethel.

As I have mentioned during worship and in some places during this blog, seeking God requires a sacrifice on each of our parts. Getting up earlier to press my way to the altar on a cold January morning was different. I had pressed my way out of my bed early in the morning to pray, but today required me to get up, get dress and believe that a blessing would be at God's Bethel.

The blessing this morning came in many ways. First, I wasn't the only one at the church! Second, God blessed us as we sought His face praying, praising, worshipping and trusting God. Third, the Lord chose to be there because we chose to be there. The psalmist writes, "But it is good for me to draw near to God. I have put my trust in the Lord God that I may declare all your works. (Psalm 73:28)" It is good for all of us to draw near to God. For some this step will be more prayer in their home. For others, it will be pressing your way to church and God's people. And still for others, it will be pressing your way to the altar to pray. Draw near to God in all things!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Bethel Daniel Fast 5: Praise affects Heat

It may be cold outside, but praise controls my thermostat.

This morning when God woke me up, He immediately took me to words from a Marvin Sapp song, "I have had my share of ups and downs, times when there was no one around, God came and spoke these words to me... 'Praise will confuse the enemy'".

I am convinced more than ever that there is nothing more empowering than praise given to God. I am sometimes amazed that even on my most challenging days, when I turn my attention to God everything around me changes. Sometimes the change occurs gradually. Sometimes it is immediate. But in EVERY case there is change to the glory of God. Many times our situations are governed by the view in our immediate circumstance. However, if we adjust our vision to see and seek God more clearly, the climate control will adjust itself to our necessary comfort level. In other words praise becomes our lens. Praise becomes the device that controls our thermostat. More praise, more Holy Spirit.

I leave you with this on this day as we continue our fasting season...Philippians 4:8, "Finally, my sisters and brothers, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy... meditate on these things." God and the things of God are certainly praiseworthy. Hallelujah!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Bethel Daniel Fast Day 4: Drawing Nearer to God

Each day of this fast, I find myself drawing closer to God. Each moment I speak to the Bethel family, I find myself rejoicing in God. Each day, each moment, I find myself praying more to God for each member of the Bethel family. I find myself asking the Holy Spirit to reveal more to us, to empower us more to greater works for the Lord. I find myself praying more for those members of the Bethel family who we have not seen in a while.

I really just find myself loving God more as I love Bethel more. It is okay to ask God for more of the Holy Spirit. I am reminded that "the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit" (Romans 14:17). This must be our goal as we move through this season... the seek God more but to be filled by the Holy Spirit more and more each day.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Bethel Daniel Fast Day 3: The Power of Prayer

Today was our first worship service of the New Year and we opened the year with a praise and prayer service. It is truly amazing to hear the Spirit of God speak through so many differnt voices. Men, women and children were all engaged in the worship service today.

The text, 1 Timothy 2:1, " I exhort you, first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercession and giving of thanks be made for all persons." Supplications, asking God to supply our heartfelt needs. Prayer, the intimate communication with God that allows us to hear from and speak to God. Intercession, the ability to prayer for those who are unable or unwilling to pray for themselves. Giving thanks, the reminder that there is so much to thank God for in our lives.

This text reminds us of the priority of prayer and the versatility of prayer. It also reminds me that because of who God is, no one is outside of the influence of prayer rooted in belief. Even as I write this during the third day of our church-wide fast these words from a song come to mind... "How great is our God."

Day 2: The New Year is under way

Okay so now the festivities of the holiday season are truly behind us. Thanksgiving Weekend, Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve, Christmas day, New Year's Day. Now all that is left is the new year.

Some have made all kinds of resolutions. This will be the year when change will come. Change will not come for change's sake. Change comes because we are intentional about change. My life is different today because I was intentional in allowing God to have control over my life. The Daniel Fast for me is in part about renewing my relationship with God. I want to read more, study more and serve in a more complete way. It is only the second day of the fast. It is only the second day of a renewed commitment to God.

We have to be careful at Bethel not to forget who God is in our lives. I am reminded of Romans 12:1 "For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God, nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their hearts became darkened." The ongoing goal of the fast is to make sure that we KNOW GOD AND GLORIFY GOD so that are thoughts don't become futile and hearts darkened. God has and continues to do his part. Now we all must do our part and reach toward God.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Bethel's Daniel Fast, Day 1: So it Begins

I love being a part of the Bethel family. It is as simple as that. God chooses to bless each of us in very unique and excellent ways. Over the past three months, I have been looking forward with great anticipation to sharing this Daniel Fast journey with the Bethel family. It won't be easy, but it will be rewarding as we see God move in us and around us.

Last night, we had a wonderful Watchnight service with our Mt. Zion Baptist Church family. We started the year off in praise, celebration and prayer. The sermon title and text last night was "Instructions for Tomorrow", 2 Timothy 2: 1 - 4. The message focused on following God's instructions as we head into this New Year.

The corporate, church-wide fast is a departure away from the way things had been done. God's Bethel is intentionally seeking the move of the Holy Spirit in our midst as we start the New Year. This is the first time (that I am aware of) in which a church family is starting the year with praise, prayer and fasting. We all need to draw closer to God. Sharing this fasting journey together will help us to do this as a church family.

I am excited about what God is doing in our midst. Pray intentionally each day. Be determined to seek God's face. Lift the names of those who you wish would surrender themselves to God. Trust in God's ability to heal your situation. This will be a remarkable journey... filled with blessings, insights and miracles. Only God be Glorifed!