Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Daniel Fast- Day 21: The Last Supper

"When the hour had come, He sat down, and the twelve apostles with Him." - Luke 22:14

I have come to the last day of my 21 day Daniel Fast and I have to confess it was more challenging than I expected. I was challenged to maintain my change in diet. I was challenged to maintain my committment to the food I chose to eat. I was challenged to keep lifting people up before the Lord. Many times diuring the fast, I felt I was under attack, but I still find myself at the conclusion of this significant 21 day period exhilarated in what God allowed me to do.

Twenty-one days of fruits, nits and vegetables. No ice cream. No dairy. No sugar, pancakes, etc. You know the deal if you read day one of the fast. I stopped leaven bread, anything with eggs. Just like the men in Daniel 1, I feel better and closer to God for keeping the commitment.

The text ot of Luke recalls the last meal that Jesus had before He went to the Cross. This meal, commonly known as the Lord's Supper, is shared with persons whom Jesus holds dear. Tonight, here in Atlanta, GA, I shared the last meal of this my first Daniel fast with someone I hold dear... my father.

My father is "bi-locational". He maintains a residence in both New York City and in Atlanta. He wasn't expecting me in Atlanta so it was uniquely gratifying to me that he has already decided to have vegetables for dinner. God works things out for you when you don't even realize it. It was an interesting and special meal.

I had been praying for our relationship during this fasting period, as well as so many others. I prayed intentionally for members of the Bethel family, members of my own family, families in general. It felt like all I was doing sometimes was fasting and praying. But wasn't that what this period was suppose to be about in the first place? To lift people before the Lord?

God truly moved and blessed me with resilience, vision, insight and renewed purpose. My diet has changed, but more importantly my spirit has changed in a way that draws me closer to God. God is still feeding me even if tonight was the official last supper of my first Daniel fast. I am looking forward with great expectation to the Daniel Fast to start the New Year, but for now... I must celebrate the move of the Holy Spirit in my life.

And in case you are interested, my last supper was beans and mashed potatoes.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Day 20: Close and still not Late

"Then he said to Jesus, 'Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom.'" And Jesus said, "Assuredly, I say unto you, today you will be with me in paradise." - Luke 23: 42-43

I blessed yesterday to preach "Men's Day" at Flatbush-Tompkins Congregational Church in Brooklyn. The sermon God gave to me, brought me to this text. Even though that worship experience is now behind, I still find myself meditating on this text from a different perspective.

Sometimes in our life, we think it is too late, that we have done too much wrong that God can't even fix the mess we have created. This text reminds me (and I hope all of us) that it isn't too late as long as you are still breathing. The criminal on the cross was close to death, but ti wasn't too late for him to still speak to God. Some of us think that it is too late to speak to God. This just is not true, accurate or Godly. If you can inhale and exhale, there is still time to speak to God; still time to praise Him for who God is!

At any time, any one of us may be close to giving up, but it still isn't too late to trust God for your deliverance and your breakthrough. If God could save someone on the cross, I know God can handle the daily dilemnas of our lives. God remains close and I remember my Grandmother saying to me, "He's an on time God. Oh, yes he is!"

Monday, October 19, 2009

Day 19: Promises

"Simply let your 'yes' be 'yes' and your 'no', 'no'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one." - Matthew 5: 37

How many times have we gone through our daily existence making promises? Many of us make a proimise that we are goingt o do one thing or another. How can we promise anything? We don't know all of the factors that could affect any situation. We just don't have total control over anything in our lives, although some of us think that we do. That is the problem. We make promise that only God can make.

If we promise that we will see someone tomorrow at 3pm. How do we know if we will be there or not? There is no need to promise. We must just let our yes be yes and our no be no. And then we must or best to live up to the commitment and not the promise. God can make promises because God alone know and controls all of the factors that would affect the promise. I am so glad that God controls things. If I controlled things or if another person controlled things, I am sure things would be messed up so much more than they already are...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Daniel Fast Day 18: Still No Change

"Then one of the criminals that was hanged blasphemed Him and said, ' If you are the Christ save Yourself and us.'" - Luke 23:39

This criminal was on the cross, rightfully convicted of his crimes and he still had no change in his character. He wouldn't even acknowledge for himself that Jesus was the Christ.

This is the problem for so many of us. We have heard about Jesus, but we won't aknowledge that he is the Christ, the anointed one of God, Lord and Savior. We still come to God for some divine hook-up to get out of our mess. We view God like a stimulus package - we know it won't last forever, but we just want to get our benefits today. In the midst of our spiral downward, we still won't change.

God requires change in our lives if we truly want the blessings of God. God requires humility. The responsibility for change falls to each of God. God will give us the strength to live the new life in Christ. Will I (we) trust Him enough to sincerely change because we know that following Him is the only way our situation will ever change?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Day 17: We have no idea

"Then the Lord answered job out of the whirlwind, and said: Who is this who darkens counsel by words without knowledge? Now prepare yourself like a man; I will question you and you shall answer me. Where were you when i laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding." - Job 38: 1 - 4

I am a sports fan and in anticipation of the Yankees vs. Angels playoff series for the American League Championship, there has been a great deal of talk about the weather. Announcers, fans and weather forecaster alike all seemed to think that last night's baseball game was going to be a rain out. People talked about the impending storm. They played the game last night without delay (Yankees won 4-1, in case you are interested). However, I was reminded once again that we are not God.

God decides all things and knows all things. The baseball game is one minute example, but how many times to we boast in arrogance about our knowledge of things or stand in defiance when things don't turn out as we expect. God is truly the only one who knows the twists and turns of life. Go and read this passage of Job where God tells of his power and omnipotence.

I love the Lord and I praise God that He knows more about what the future holds than I do. I am glad that he holds the future, as well as the past and present, in His hands. He will do a much better job with it than I ever could...

Friday, October 16, 2009

Day 16: Give it over to God

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." - Matthew 11: 28 - 30

We hold on to way too much baggage. There are things that have happened many years ago that we are still allowing to negatively effect our lives. What is wrong with us? Why do we enter into each day like God doesn't have any idea what is going to happen next? I (we) do not serve a reactive God, but a proactive God. We do not serve a God that is unaware of teh future and its relationship to the past. Our God gives us the means to be ready to face tomorrow because of our relationship with Him today.

There are far too many things that we allow to keep us from drawing closer to God. However the Matthew text reminds us that when we are tired (working 15 hour days, etc.) and burdened (bills, medical issues, etc.), God is capable and willing to take the weight of the world from else. As we enter into this day, be encouraged in the awesomness of Christ. If you have got issues that you can't seem to handle. Try more Jesus. He is the only one with the power to truly aid us and give us rest...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day 15: The Last Week

The weather outside is dreary. The forecast is for rain and for a noreaster. Are kidding me? A major snowstorm on October 15th??? My times have change. Back when I was a kid, we were lucky (cursed :-)) if we got a snowstorm before Christmas.

As I start my last week of my first Daniel Fast, I have become more resolved to the journey and the meditation with the Lord. God has revealed so much to me during the course of this journey that I have already started to become excited about the next stage of ministry to God's glory at God's Bethel. Someone asked me today if I was hungry. No, I am not hungry. I am thirsty for more God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. God is sustaining me, but more than that God is empowering me. Praise God for the journey and I still have one more week left...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day 14: Another Reason to Fast

Wednesday has been, for many years, a day in which I fast to seek God's insight and direction on a number of things. Today, more so than any other day, I am lifting up God's Bethel. There has been a resurgence of the Spirit and we have seen significant growth in a number of areas. We have seen families become re-united in Christ. We have seen people healed because of God's power. We have seen people filled the Holy Spirit witness to the glory of God!

I also realize that more so tha at any other time in the ministry, God's Bethel is under attack. We have seen people masquerading as children of God and not living Godly. These same persons sometimes come to our doorsteps looking to take advantage of the blessings that God has provided.

This is a critical juncture for the Bethel family. we have to be more prayerful than ever, more committed than ever, more resilient, discerning and connected than ever before if we are going to reach that place of significance that God alone has for us. We have to re-evalute who we are and realize that we have to seek God for God to truly release greater blessing in our midst. Greater blessings in God's Bethel, in our ministries, in our homes, in our families and in our lives. This is my fasting emphasis today- Greater clarity from God in each of us who would choose to trust God more...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day 13: Closer to the End than the Beginning

It is has been amazing how many people have commented to me about this blog or about this fast in general. I have been and continue to be pleasantly surprised. During this time of fasting, one of the things I have been meditatinng with god about has been about the desire to do a churchwide "Daniel Fast". What would the purpose be? Simply that we would collectively draw closer to God on the journey.

I have discovered that this fast is evolving each day. I am discovering more and more the need/desire to maintain spiritual disciplines. Fasting is about denying food (sacrifice), meditating (prayer) with God, and growing in the spirtual disciplines of bring our fleshly desire under subjection. Although, I feel great insight from God during this period, I am also experiencing temptations. There are things that I desire to say "yes" to to, but God is strenthening me to say "no". There are other things I want to say "yes" to and God has been removing the desire or impulse from me. I am over halfway through this fast. I made some adjustments earlier on (no bread of any kind because of the yeast). My diet has radically change, but I feel better, stronger, faster (six million $ man reference). However, more importantly, I feel closer to God, significant to God and anointed by God.

The journey is a joy...

Monday, October 12, 2009

Day 12: Too Much Obama

Okay, I admit it. The Obamas have been in the White House for 11 Months and I am officially on Obama overload. Let me clear however, I do support (for the most part) the positions that President Obama has taken, particularly on the issue of healthcare. I voted for President Obama and I hope to support him again when he runs for a second term.

Yet, I realized the other day that I have seen and heard enough of the "extra" stuff. I don't particularly care about what Mrs. Obama was wearing on the family trip to the Grand Canyon. Did I really have to be presented with the play-by-play of President and Mrs. Obama, along with "first friend" Oprah Winfrey, making a pitch on behalf of America (Chicago) for the 2016 Olympics? The Nobel Peace Prize given for potential future works that this President will do is something that absolutely forces me to examine things more closely. A teacher in New Jersey has been teaching her students Obama songs lauding over the goodness of the President. As much as I respect and admire this President of the United States, I am starting to discover that the atmosphere surrounding Mr. Obama is a bit un-nerving.

There is the Obama effect; the idea that people want to somehow be linked to or associated with the Obama family in some way. However, let's not get it twisted. He is still President of the United States. He will institute policies and judgements that will not be particularly popular for some segments of our population. My position is that we should not make him (them) into something that is more or less than what they were suppose to be.

Sometimes we lose perspective. We lose perspective with God, with our lives, with our priorities, in our work places, among our families, with friends and yes, in our view of the President of the United Stated.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Day 11: Balance

Each week, day or moment we are trying to bring people into the church. As much as we want the church of God to get into the person, the truth is that persons are also bringing the world into the church.

Some people look for balance between the world and church. Some people don't realize that God isn't looking for balance. God is looking for imbalance. God is expecting us to trust Him so much so that the world doesn't even compare. God expects the scales to tip in His favor so much that scales and the world itself tip over.

I wonder sometimes why I don't seek God more and trust my spiritual gifts more. My 11 month old daughter is starting to take her first steps. It is amazing to watch this process. She can stand up with confidence now, but taking the steps is another matter. The steps are being taken gingerly, without the comfortable feeling of footing that is sure and secure. The more she tries, though, the more comfortable she is becoming. Perhaps this is what God expects from us, ... to try more. The more we try to completely tip the scale toward God, the more the scale will tip. It is only a matter of time if we remain true to drawing closer to God...

Day 10: Inappropriate Behavior

The New Jersey conference of the AME church held a seminar today on Sexual Harrassment and Misconduct. All ministers in the New Jersey conference were required to attend. Church leadership within each local church were strongly encouraged to attend.

As I was sitting there within this packed church (approximately 1200 persons), I found myself asking about the genesis of the seminar. I understood the purpose of it, but I wanted to know what brought it about in the first place. The purpose was to protect the church, its officers and members from creating inappropriate, harmful and/or criminal situations within the church. We have certainly become a litigious society.

The genesis of this seminar and so many like it had to come out of the pain of some individual or child that was hurt by someone in the church. Have we so lost our way that we forget that it was God who saved us and not we ourselves? It is disturbing to me to think that this has become so real in the context of the Christian church that we must conduct seminars to tell us what is inappropriate behavior.

The responsibility falls to me (and you) to allow God to rise up in us so much so that God manages our behavior. Are we seeking God enough? Even in the midst of the pitfalls of the human condition, in the depths of our sinful acts, I am reminded that we still serve a God of mercy and redemption for all those who seek Him. We may be able to litigate many things, yet grace, mercy and forgiveness must not be counted among that particular list.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Day 9: Finding Support

I must confess that when I started on this journey, I didn't realize the encouragement I would find along the way. People have commented through email or verbally on the blog. Some people have questioned about the things that were written. Some have inquired about my appetite. Some have asked about participating. It really has been remarkable what God has done and continues to do with me and around me on this journey.

I was especially encouraged and inspired when someone mentioned to me that they were not going to do the entire Daniel fast with me (visit to see the guidelines), but they were going to leave cookies alone for the next 21 days. This was a gift to me knowing that someone else has freely chosen to take a journey, to discover themselves in the midst of their temptation. God has strengthened me because other have been inspired to take their own steps.

You just never know where, when, how or why God provides support. Yet when you embark upon what appears to be a solitary journey, it begins to expand to those who you hold dear. instead of it being solitary, it becomes supportive. Instead of it being isolated, it becomes influential. Instead of it being internal, it becomes communal. I didn't realize the gift of having others to help me along on the journey. I praise God for the inspired support.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day 8: Never Doubt God for a Second

Someone who I am close to reached out to me last night to share that she was almost in a serious accident while walking across the street. When I replied to her and said, "Praise God", she responded, "I never doubt God for a second."

I can't seem to get that phrase out of my head. How many of us can say that and mean it? I never doubt God. Never? No, never. Not even for a second??? No, not even for a second. This is an amazing thing to be able to say, because it would suggest to us all that if we question God, we are also doubting God.

Do you ever doubt that God can do something? Never? Are you sure? Do you doubt God when the bills need to be paid, when your relationship is struggling, when you lose your job, when you get the poor report from the doctor, when you fall off the wagon, when you get on the wagon, when a person gets pregnant, when a woman has an abortion, when you are being victimized, when the car breaks down, when your kids act up, when you lose a loved one unexpectedly?? Her statement makes me realize that it isn't about doubting God, but it is about trusting God more so that there is no reason to doubt.

How are we living? Are we living the way God wants us to live? If we are, or at least trying to, then we can form the words and then, ultimately, live the words ---I never doubt God not even for a second. Something else to consider for the journey...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Daniel Fast Day 7: What do they see

No one is perfect. It is early in the morning as I start to write this post and I realize that I have already fallen short of God's glory for the day. Yet, as God has given me the privilege to rise this morning, He has also give me a reason to love Him more. The blessings that continue to come from God are amazing.

I have discovered that my family was on my mind. God's Bethel was on my mind. The ministry at Drew Theological School was on my mind. Chosen for Service enterprises was on my mind. But young people were especially on my mind. Our young people must know and see the authentic commitment that we have to the message of the gospel. What do young people see when they look at us? Do they see us on a gospel pedastal of our own construction or do they see some one who is fallible, imperfect, yet filled with the grace, knowledge and joy of Christ.

George Benson, many years before Whitney Houston, penned and sang a song entitled, "The Greatest Love of All". There is line in that song, - "Everybody's searching for a hero, people need someone to look up to." Our young people are looking for hero. Have they seen Christ in us? Can they see Christ in us?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Daniel Fast Day 6: Yes vs. No vs. Yes

It is hard sometimes to say "no" when the very core of our being wants to say "yes". It is also hard to say "no" sometimes even though we know that it is the correct thing to do.

There is a huge difference between knowing what is the correct thing to do and actually doing the correct thing. I am discovering as I continue on this journey that there are things that God is instructing me to do, actions that I should be compelled to take. However, I am also discovering that I need to pray more, praise more and trust more.

This is the challenge of a committed faith - "Choosing to reach toward God". Many of us claim that we want God in our lives. Many of us say that we want more Godly wisdom, discernment or blessings. Many of us say that we want more Jesus in our homes; more Holy Spirit within us. Yet, even though we say we want these things, we all do not do everything that we should to obtain these things form God. We say "yes" to temptation. We willingly choose to live un-godly lives. We have entered into inappropriate relationships. We (every one of us) have done, and continue to do, all kinds of things that we know aren't pleasing to God. What must we do to stop this cycle?

The answer is within us: Find the courage to say "yes" to God again, again and again,... simply because God is worth it

Monday, October 5, 2009

Day 5: God is low on the priority list

During my mediatation today, I was led to this piece of scripture in the book of Job 23:12 - "I have not departed from the commandment of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth. More than my necessary food."

As I read this particular chapter, I found myself asking about the things that I treasure in my life. What are the things that I value in my life? Do I put family about God? Do I put the job above God? Do I put my organization above God? Do I put the church above God? It was a significant moment to even begin to wrestle with the distinct possibility (reality?) that there are things I put before God. Sometimes I do this without even noticing it. It is easy to "say" that God is first. However, it is something completely different to place God first and keep God first. If God isn't first on our list, then God is low on the priority list. Even if God is second, God is too low.

Job in the midst of his suffering realized that the words coming from God had more value than the food he needed to survive. Perhaps today is the beginning of my growing reality that we all need God more in our lives...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Daniel Fast Day 4 : Transparency

I took Friday off from work because I felt I had so much to do, so many things to get done. in the middle of the day my brother stopped by to just hang out. It was good for us to just catch up because it had been awhile since just the two of us had a chance to speak.

As it usually does, our conversation moves through a significant, but complex weave of sports, family in general, our spouses, the entreprenurial spirit, our future, the challenges of today and God. This Friday conversation was a little different though, because we began to be more and more transparent about the things we had done in our past and our hopes for the future.

In our conversation, we began to talk a bit about the mistakes we each had made in our lives. The wonderful thing, however, is we began to rejoice in what God had done and continues to do for us now! We both married beautiful people. God had turned our lives around and we both left corporate America.. God has called us both into ministry in different ways. My brother was ordained a trustee in his church earlier this year.

I was reminded in our limited transparency to each other that God can see right through each of us. Whether we like it or not we are completely transparent to God. We try to hide things from God, from family, from friends and from ourselves. However, when we come to God as we are, God sees our ugly and looks past that to our good. God doesn't care about our mistakes, but focuses on our promise. The only that holds us back from our blessings is surrendering our lives to God... fully...

Day 3: God is Awesome!

About a month ago, I was informed that a Sister of mine in the ministry, my friend, was in a serious car accident. While she was getting off of the Brooklyn bridge, the traffic had come to a complete stop. Unfortunatley the car that was behind her didn't realize that the traffic had stopped and rear-ended her into the car in front of her.

She had to be cut out of the car and airlifted to the nearest hospital. When I finally had a chance to speak to her she was home in bed recovering. We didn't talk for long because she was still very weak, but she said something to me that still resonates, "Rev. Miller, I am so mad at the devil right now!"

Sometimes when bad things happen, we want to blame God. Bad things will happen; things that we can't seem to explain, but we still have to know that we are in God's care.

This same friend of mine called me yesterday to share some Good news that GOD had done. Not only was she back on her feet, but she was also given a pastoral assignment by the Bishop of the AME church. She said that when she got the phpne call, tears of joy began to flow down her cheeks because not only had God spared her, God blessed her!

I praise God for my friend and for using her to give me more encouragement for the journey...

Friday, October 2, 2009

Day 2: Secrets

I made an error in judgement when I went to the gorcery two days ago in preparation for my fast. As I was picking up my items, I also picked up some Ruffles All Natural potato chips. This tends to be my favorite. I realized today when I went into my kitchen that those potato chips that I enjoy so much were right there on the table already opened from a couple of days ago.

I found myself getting ready to reach toward those chips. It would have been my secret. More importantly, I found myself thinking "who is going to know that I had some chips on the second day of this fast?" It was just me and a bag of chips. No one reading this blog would ever know. Sometimes this is the palce we find ourselves in - the place when it is us, our desire to please God and temptation. Too often we start on this path to please God and easily throw it all away.

Just so you know: I left the chips where they were to serve as a reminder to stay focused on God and the journey.

We all have secrets; things that we don't want anyone else to know about. We have all slipped, but maybe, just maybe, the commitment that we make to God is something to hold on to. Perhaps I don't have to concern myself with making it through a 21 day fast. God reminded me that, all I have to concern myself with is ... making through today. 21 days will take care of itself over time.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day 1: The Start of the Journey...

I started a 21 day journey today with the family of God's Bethel in my mind. The journey includes prayer and fasting for our church family, my personal family & friends and myself. Some one may be asking, well why fast and pray? For me, fasting and praying is an intentional way to draw closer to God. God honors our sincere sacrifice. Although, I have fasted in the past, this time will be a little different. I have never done what is called a "Daniel Fast" which is taken from Daniel 10: 2 - 3. This period of fasting and praying excludes all meat. Yes, you read that correctly - Over the next three weeks, I will only be eating fruits, vegetables, and whole grain foods.

In anticipation of this journey, I went to the grocery yesterday and I didn't realize the depth of the sacrifice as I tried to shop for something to eat. Think about the scope of this fast: No meat (which I didn't eat anyway), chicken, turkey sausage or bacon, diary products, milk, cheese, all sweetners, sugar, honey. I thought about this as I was preparing and shopping. This will not be as easy as I thought. No potato chips. No candy. I am only drinking water for 21 days. No white rice. No turkey burgers. And anyone who knows me, also know that the I haven't even mentioned the BIG one, yet.

No ice cream.

How am I suppose to live? How am I suppose to survive without ice cream?

My first meal today: Lettuce, tomato, cucumbers and peppers on whole wheat. (Stop laughing). Don't knock it until you have tried it. Once you try, like I did, I thought to myself, "This is only Day 1 and this is going to take some getting used to."

I realize that sometimes in life, you have to make sacrifices. Sacrifices for God. Sacrifices for yourself. Sacrifice for those you care about. If you are reading this, then in some way you have touched my life and the sacrifice over the next 21 days will be for you. I hope to blog everyday over the next three weeks and offer my thoughts, my insights, my struggles and my transparencies.

Visit from time to time and see how things are going and how God is moving. But more importantly, please know that I am lifting you up in prayer. Trusting God more... Rev. KDM