Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day 8: Never Doubt God for a Second

Someone who I am close to reached out to me last night to share that she was almost in a serious accident while walking across the street. When I replied to her and said, "Praise God", she responded, "I never doubt God for a second."

I can't seem to get that phrase out of my head. How many of us can say that and mean it? I never doubt God. Never? No, never. Not even for a second??? No, not even for a second. This is an amazing thing to be able to say, because it would suggest to us all that if we question God, we are also doubting God.

Do you ever doubt that God can do something? Never? Are you sure? Do you doubt God when the bills need to be paid, when your relationship is struggling, when you lose your job, when you get the poor report from the doctor, when you fall off the wagon, when you get on the wagon, when a person gets pregnant, when a woman has an abortion, when you are being victimized, when the car breaks down, when your kids act up, when you lose a loved one unexpectedly?? Her statement makes me realize that it isn't about doubting God, but it is about trusting God more so that there is no reason to doubt.

How are we living? Are we living the way God wants us to live? If we are, or at least trying to, then we can form the words and then, ultimately, live the words ---I never doubt God not even for a second. Something else to consider for the journey...

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