Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day 13: Closer to the End than the Beginning

It is has been amazing how many people have commented to me about this blog or about this fast in general. I have been and continue to be pleasantly surprised. During this time of fasting, one of the things I have been meditatinng with god about has been about the desire to do a churchwide "Daniel Fast". What would the purpose be? Simply that we would collectively draw closer to God on the journey.

I have discovered that this fast is evolving each day. I am discovering more and more the need/desire to maintain spiritual disciplines. Fasting is about denying food (sacrifice), meditating (prayer) with God, and growing in the spirtual disciplines of bring our fleshly desire under subjection. Although, I feel great insight from God during this period, I am also experiencing temptations. There are things that I desire to say "yes" to to, but God is strenthening me to say "no". There are other things I want to say "yes" to and God has been removing the desire or impulse from me. I am over halfway through this fast. I made some adjustments earlier on (no bread of any kind because of the yeast). My diet has radically change, but I feel better, stronger, faster (six million $ man reference). However, more importantly, I feel closer to God, significant to God and anointed by God.

The journey is a joy...

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