Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Daniel Fast Day 6: Yes vs. No vs. Yes

It is hard sometimes to say "no" when the very core of our being wants to say "yes". It is also hard to say "no" sometimes even though we know that it is the correct thing to do.

There is a huge difference between knowing what is the correct thing to do and actually doing the correct thing. I am discovering as I continue on this journey that there are things that God is instructing me to do, actions that I should be compelled to take. However, I am also discovering that I need to pray more, praise more and trust more.

This is the challenge of a committed faith - "Choosing to reach toward God". Many of us claim that we want God in our lives. Many of us say that we want more Godly wisdom, discernment or blessings. Many of us say that we want more Jesus in our homes; more Holy Spirit within us. Yet, even though we say we want these things, we all do not do everything that we should to obtain these things form God. We say "yes" to temptation. We willingly choose to live un-godly lives. We have entered into inappropriate relationships. We (every one of us) have done, and continue to do, all kinds of things that we know aren't pleasing to God. What must we do to stop this cycle?

The answer is within us: Find the courage to say "yes" to God again, again and again,... simply because God is worth it

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