Monday, October 5, 2009

Day 5: God is low on the priority list

During my mediatation today, I was led to this piece of scripture in the book of Job 23:12 - "I have not departed from the commandment of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth. More than my necessary food."

As I read this particular chapter, I found myself asking about the things that I treasure in my life. What are the things that I value in my life? Do I put family about God? Do I put the job above God? Do I put my organization above God? Do I put the church above God? It was a significant moment to even begin to wrestle with the distinct possibility (reality?) that there are things I put before God. Sometimes I do this without even noticing it. It is easy to "say" that God is first. However, it is something completely different to place God first and keep God first. If God isn't first on our list, then God is low on the priority list. Even if God is second, God is too low.

Job in the midst of his suffering realized that the words coming from God had more value than the food he needed to survive. Perhaps today is the beginning of my growing reality that we all need God more in our lives...

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