Friday, October 2, 2009

Day 2: Secrets

I made an error in judgement when I went to the gorcery two days ago in preparation for my fast. As I was picking up my items, I also picked up some Ruffles All Natural potato chips. This tends to be my favorite. I realized today when I went into my kitchen that those potato chips that I enjoy so much were right there on the table already opened from a couple of days ago.

I found myself getting ready to reach toward those chips. It would have been my secret. More importantly, I found myself thinking "who is going to know that I had some chips on the second day of this fast?" It was just me and a bag of chips. No one reading this blog would ever know. Sometimes this is the palce we find ourselves in - the place when it is us, our desire to please God and temptation. Too often we start on this path to please God and easily throw it all away.

Just so you know: I left the chips where they were to serve as a reminder to stay focused on God and the journey.

We all have secrets; things that we don't want anyone else to know about. We have all slipped, but maybe, just maybe, the commitment that we make to God is something to hold on to. Perhaps I don't have to concern myself with making it through a 21 day fast. God reminded me that, all I have to concern myself with is ... making through today. 21 days will take care of itself over time.

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