Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Daniel Fast- Day 21: The Last Supper

"When the hour had come, He sat down, and the twelve apostles with Him." - Luke 22:14

I have come to the last day of my 21 day Daniel Fast and I have to confess it was more challenging than I expected. I was challenged to maintain my change in diet. I was challenged to maintain my committment to the food I chose to eat. I was challenged to keep lifting people up before the Lord. Many times diuring the fast, I felt I was under attack, but I still find myself at the conclusion of this significant 21 day period exhilarated in what God allowed me to do.

Twenty-one days of fruits, nits and vegetables. No ice cream. No dairy. No sugar, pancakes, etc. You know the deal if you read day one of the fast. I stopped leaven bread, anything with eggs. Just like the men in Daniel 1, I feel better and closer to God for keeping the commitment.

The text ot of Luke recalls the last meal that Jesus had before He went to the Cross. This meal, commonly known as the Lord's Supper, is shared with persons whom Jesus holds dear. Tonight, here in Atlanta, GA, I shared the last meal of this my first Daniel fast with someone I hold dear... my father.

My father is "bi-locational". He maintains a residence in both New York City and in Atlanta. He wasn't expecting me in Atlanta so it was uniquely gratifying to me that he has already decided to have vegetables for dinner. God works things out for you when you don't even realize it. It was an interesting and special meal.

I had been praying for our relationship during this fasting period, as well as so many others. I prayed intentionally for members of the Bethel family, members of my own family, families in general. It felt like all I was doing sometimes was fasting and praying. But wasn't that what this period was suppose to be about in the first place? To lift people before the Lord?

God truly moved and blessed me with resilience, vision, insight and renewed purpose. My diet has changed, but more importantly my spirit has changed in a way that draws me closer to God. God is still feeding me even if tonight was the official last supper of my first Daniel fast. I am looking forward with great expectation to the Daniel Fast to start the New Year, but for now... I must celebrate the move of the Holy Spirit in my life.

And in case you are interested, my last supper was beans and mashed potatoes.

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